force vomit

hey ho.. for this semester's blogging assignment i intend to do an analysis of a particualr local band's music style which i personally find very interesting. the band i'm looking at is force vomit, a very prominent, experienced and charismatic local band. they've been around since the mid 90s.. or should i say.. the early 90s. they've had different incarnations of thebands, with band mates leaving and new ones coming in, butt the chief band member is their frontman, vocalist and lead guiatrist, mister dino. you can learn more about them at or At their myspace site, pls have a listen at the song called Siti. That will be the first song i will be analysing. if u have the time then listen to spacemen over malaysia, which is the second song im doing and thridly, listen to last nite i said goodbye. thanx
before i go into further analysis, let me explain why i chose force vomit to analyse. i personally find their music really unique. why unique? well most of their songs have a certain soud to it, a surf punk ala 60s agogo malay feel. haha i knoe i knoe, dats such a long 'genre' or band description, butt dats really the closest i can describe them. this particular feel makes them unique, as they are the only band around having that particular sound, making them, to me, a very singapore band (although dr francis will beg to differ im sure, butt let's leave dat to world music class eh). when i listen to their songs, i get a certain asian feel, typically a malay feel, and since well, during the 60s era, singapore's agogo scene was very strong, so force vomit actually brings back dat unique singapore feel (once again i knoe dr francis will beg to differ as the agogo scene happened in malaysia too.. butt let's not go there shall we?)
another reason is their lyrics. they have very metarophical lyrics, quite rty. plus they do have lcoal inferences in their lyrics, and dat makes them interesting too. well i'll be analysing the first song, Siti, for my next post. i do not have scores of their music, as well not many lcoal bands have their songs scored.. so i'll be using their myspcae site recordings as my inferences. so yeah dat saves me the copyrite stuffs n all. :-)
Wow, finally we get your first instalment!
While there is certainly no problem with you not having the score and analyzing the recorded version instead, you may nonetheless consider transcribe relevant aspects (melodic line, chord progression, rhythm etc) to facilitate your discussion.
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